
6 Questions For A Human-Centered Social Media Strategy


Who/what/when/where/how/why. These everyday questions take on new meaning when thinking about a human-centered social media strategy. Here’s what you should be asking yourself when creating an emphathetic and authentic user-centric experience:


Who: If you could engage just one person, who would it be? Create an audience persona and get to know them like your best friend. Then map their online and offline interests to guide your strategy and add value with your products/services. This also applies to Hispanics/Latinx who are such a large and diverse segment that knowing who you are speaking to within this community will help you get a better sense of their culture and how to create an authentic and relevant connection based on their needs and behaviors, avoiding stereotypes. As you map out your ideal follower, also keep in mind the follower you don’t want or need, so you know how to deal with either type of consumer.

What: Prioritize what you want your audience to feel when they interact with you, over what you want them to know or do. These three aspects must be part or your social media strategy. However, creating a true connection with your followers is what will make them come back for more, stay engaged, and buy. They may forget about the call to action or the message on your posts, but they will always remember how you made them feel, so leverage emotional contagion in a positive way as part of your brand narrative.

When: People are likely to start scrolling when they have free time or are looking for specific information. That’s why your strategy needs evergreen content that fulfills your audience’s four main micro-moments whenever they appear: “I want to know”, “I want to go”, “I want to buy”, and “I want to do”. Having small snippets and long-forms of content will fit your brand experience to their time.

Where: Repeat after me: “I don’t need to be in all social media channels, but where my ideal audience is”. Use demographics to better understand each platform’s core user. Keep in mind that every channel has its own form of content and interaction, so you will have different goals, content strategy, and tactics for each.

How/Why: People want to know how and why you do what you do, so sharing your story and business behind the scenes will humanize your brand and give empathy to your followers, increasing engagement and reducing backlash. Plus, you’ll have great content to share!

Now that you’re asking the right questions of your social media strategy, get started on building content for your channels with our free content, marketing materials, and Hispanic Marketing Toolkit.